Create a Stencil
We aren't here to tell you how to do your job. Instead, we are interested in helping you get the most out our transfer papers. This set of instructions is not intended to replace any of the normal health protocols that you currently have in place at your shop. Instead, think of these instructions as supplements to everything you normally do.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, lets talk stenciling.
We make two different types of stencil paper. One is a thermal paper (think 3M or S8 Stencil Printer), the other is an impact- or "write-on"- paper. The easiest way to tell whether you have a thermal paper is by counting the number of sheets in each unit; thermal papers have three sheets of paper as well as a protective "onionskin" sheet. Impact papers only have two sheets and an "onionskin." In both cases, it is important to remove the protective "onionskin" before moving onto step 2.

All reproFX Spirit® stencil papers are formulated for application onto skin. We do this because it is safer, cleaner, and easier for artists to work with stencil papers that do not come in direct contact with their clients' skin. As such, you are going to need to use a transfer agent to both protect the skin and actually perform the transfer. We recommend that you always use the cream which has been specially formulated to work with corresponding Spirit® stencil paper for a superior image stencil transfer.
Apply a thin layer of transfer agent on body at the site to be tattooed.
Apply a thin layer of transfer agent on body at the site to be tattooed.
After you've applied the transfer cream, all that is left to do is place the stencil on the skin. Place the side of the paper with the stencil onto the transfer cream and hold for a few seconds. Do not move the stencil once it has contacted with the skin, as this will cause blurring and bleeding of the stencil. Carefully remove the paper and let set before wiping.